Monday Night Ramblings... Why I Am One Of The Very Few Who Loves Mondays
So most people wake up Monday mornings feeling gloomy. It's the start of the working week for many, after all. Not me though. Nope. I work in hospitality so waking up Monday morning is like waking up on a Saturday morning. Who knows what the next two days will bring!
Well actually, my life isn't very spontaneous, nor interesting. I am an introvert who loves peace and quiet and spends a great deal of time reading. I would love to say that I am the intellectual type who has an entire library of books but unfortunately that isn't who I am. Most of my reading comes in the form of blogs, online articles and Reddit... Yes, Reddit.
Being an artist and designer, I can spend hours browsing Etsy. Looking at all the things I would love to buy and can't afford. Admiring the work of others and doubting my own creativity. I have spent entire days browsing Etsy or Pinterest and then wondered where the time has gone and wanting to kick myself for not doing something productive that day. It's okay though, sometimes we need a day just doing nothing. It's good to give the mind a rest every now and then. So long as you don't make a habit out of it...
So today being Monday, it was my "I can do whatever I want to do" day. Did I catch up with friends? Nope. Did I live life to it's fullest? Nope. Did I tick something off my bucket list? No, I don't even have a bucket list.
I still had one of the best days that I have had in quite a while. I read a few blogs, organized some content for future blog posts, created some art for Etsy, designed a couple logo concepts and drank delicious white wine spritzers. Today was one of those days where at the end of the day I feel completely satisfied, because I did exactly what I wanted. My only regret is that I didn't choose a more aromatic wine for my spritzers, they tasted delicious nevertheless. If that is my biggest regret of the day then I think it's been a great day.
Now I am sitting in the dark, ambient light of my bedroom, writing this blog post while sipping wine and listening to "Secrets For Nicotine" by Sheryl Chan (beautiful song, which can be heard here or the live version here, or if you are too lazy for that, check out the video below) and it is the perfect ending to a perfect day, for an introvert like myself.
Most people dread Mondays but I always look forward to them. Today was the best day I have had this year so far (it's early) and I really didn't do much but what I did do was exactly what I wanted to do.