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Freebie Alert! Free Blogging Success Ebook

By 22:07 , , ,

Whether you are running an online business, trying to sell a product or even just trying to earn some spare cash for next Christmas, blogging is one of the simplest and most effective ways to make money online.

When you are just starting out with blogging, I suggest that you use Blogspot at first. I personally use both Blogger/Blogspot and Wordpress for my blogs. Wordpress is great but not as easy to use as Blogger. My suggestion is to start out with Blogger, get a custom domain name and point it to your Blogger blog and when you have built up enough regular traffic transfer your blog over to Wordpress.

Why? Google loves Blogger, since it is owned by Google. When you are first starting out, it is incredibly hard to get your posts to the top of Google search. Eventually it gets easier but for the time being you should start out with Blogger because your posts are more likely to reach the top of Google.

I find that my Blogger blogs have much more traffic than my Wordpress blogs, without putting in any effort. My posts are automatically shared to Google+ which generates a lot of traffic.

So that is my little tip. However, different bloggers have different needs. You need to find whatever works for you.

Today I am giving away "Blogging Success Learning and Getting Inspiration from the Best Bloggers" As you can see the download link below is locked. No, don't worry. I'm not going to make you fill in one of those pesky surveys or submit your email/phone number to claim your free ebook. I am asking you to share my blog on social media in order to access your free download.

Just click on one of the buttons below and share on either Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to get your download link.

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